There are many visualisation libraries in python out there and altair offers some original features. It offers a wide variety of charts, a grammar-like api, loads of interactivity features and the option of exporting directly to the browser.
Install altair
& friends
For this video you'll need to install the following dependencies;
python -m pip install jupyterlab pandas altair
You'll also need the dataset, it can be downloaded directly or fetched via;
Clean Data
The python code that cleans the dataset is shown belo.
import pathlib
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
df = pd.read_csv("birthdays.csv")
def clean_dataset(dataf):
return (dataf
.assign(date = lambda d: pd.to_datetime(d['date']))
.assign(yday = lambda d: d['date'].dt.dayofyear)
.groupby(['date', 'wday', 'yday'])
.agg(births = ('births', 'sum'), month=('month', 'first'))
plot_df = df.pipe(clean_dataset)