We currently host 757 short videos in 106 courses.
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Made by people who want to remedy the skill anxiety.
Short and simple video lessons that start from scratch.
Tools and thoughts that might make your professional life more enjoyable.
Start with Simple Style
Strings for Humans
Update your package versions
Explain your Machine
Draw Quick SVGs
Check for Docstrings
Run functions again.
Dealing with URLs
Sorting a Process
Code Quality in Notebooks
Open with Python
Many Processes
Shell from Python
Zero-shot named entities.
Converting Units
Find Text in Images
Find substrings fast.
Check Vulnerable Packages
Explore Diskspace
TUI for Logs
So many holidates.
Performance Plots
Terminal Regex
Check Types Early
Json from the Terminal
So many date formats.
Draw better datasets
Compute Dashboard
Watch and Repeat
Terminal Prompts
Serialize Dictionaries
Python Mini Search Engine
Lighter Images