Calmcode - args kwargs: usecase

What's a good usecase for keyword arguments (**kwargs) in python?

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It's important to recognize when these keyword arguments can be so useful. Let's have a look at the function below that uses **kwargs.

import json
import pathlib

def dict_to_config(dictionary, file="config.json", verbose=False, **kwargs):
    json_txt = json.dumps(dictionary, **kwargs)
    if verbose:

Imagine that we did not have those, then we code might look like;

import json
import pathlib

def dict_to_config(dictionary, file="config.json", verbose=False, indent=None, sort_keys=False):
    json_txt = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    if verbose:

And this is just for two parameters of json.dumps. Using **kwargs here will just make your code a whole lot simpler.