Jan. 20, 2025
We have a new feature on our main website: flashcards!
The goal of the feature is that you can practice both your knowledge and your memory. We built it because we were frustrated with constantly interrupting our coding flow to look up basic API calls that we should really know from memory. While resources like Stack Overflow and AI assistants are valuable, having key knowledge readily accessible is much better.
That's why we created flashcards. If you do a regular 15 minute practice session each day, we will try and do clever things with spaced repition to help you learn those APIs quickly.
Curious? You can explore this feature by going to the new flashcard section here.
How does it work?
When you go here, you can select decks of cards. Each deck covers a topic, and you can mix and match topics to practice. You can then start a new practice session and you will be presented with a sequence of flashcards from the decks that you've selected. The front of the card shows a question, the back shows the answer. After checking yourself, you can tell us how comfortable you are with your knowledge. If you are unsure, we will ask about the card later, if you totally got it we will skip it in favour of other cards.
Very new
It deserves to be said: the feature is new and also a bit experimental. The feature should be stable, we wrote the tests for it, but this is kind of the first time that we're letting people interact with it. More decks will be added in the future, but we are super eager to get any feedback if you have any.
Also note that these flashcards, just like the rest of the site, is meant as a mostly free resource. Some decks of cards are available to paying members, but we will always host plenty of practice decks for free.
We hope you enjoy the new feature!
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