Calmcode - pandas datetime: rolling groupby

Calculate a Rolling Groupby with transform()

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Rolling Average per Group

Sofar we've only been calculating a rolling mean on a "single" series. But what should we do if we're interested in calculating a smoothed line for every state in our dataset? In that case we'd like our rolling mean to respect the boundaries that we'd assign with a .group_by. So how would we do that?


The .transform() verb is what you need here. Let's give a small example of how to use it. Let's start by grabbing a subset dataframe that has every state in it.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("")

subset_df = (df
    .assign(date=lambda d: pd.to_datetime(d['date'], format="%Y-%m-%d"))
    [['state', 'date', 'births']])

Next, we'll combine .groupby() with .transform().

.transform(lambda d: d.rolling('20D', min_periods=1).mean()))

Here's what each line does.

  1. We add a date index with .set_index().
  2. Next we group our dataset with .groupby(). Each grouped set will have an index attached and we're getting a grouped-series object because we're only selecting the births column.
  3. We're calling .transform(). Usually you may have been used to calling .agg() or .aggregate() here. The main difference is that .agg() will reduce the groups into a single row with calculated statistics. The .transform() method will return an array that's as long as the grouped set going in. This way we're able to calculate a rolling mean that remains within a group.


The output is nice, but we'd like to add a column to our original dataframe. Let's refactor the code a little first though becauase it's an excellent opportunity to add a helper function.

def calc_rolling_mean(dataf, column=None, setting='30D'):
    return (dataf
            .transform(lambda d: d.rolling(setting, min_periods=1).mean()))

We now have a convenient calc_rolling_mean function at our disposal. This function will keep the state group in mind as we're calculating rolling means. A dataframe goes into the function and an array of equal length comes out. That means that we can use it in an .assign() call.

.assign(rolling_births=lambda d: calc_rolling_mean(d, column='births')))

If you're interested in checking that this works as expected, you can sort the data and take a subset of a single state to confirm nothing broke.

.assign(rolling_births=lambda d: calc_rolling_mean(d, column='births'))
.sort_values(["state", "date"])
.loc[lambda d: d['state'] == 'CA'])