Calmcode - typer: prompt


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You could also choose to show the user a prompt. This is great if you want the user to confirm that they're passing the correct input. If you wan to use the prompt-feature though, be sure to use an Option. Not an Argument.

Using a prompt in Typer

The basic example is shown in the app below.

import typer
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path

app = typer.Typer(name="demo", add_completion=False, help="This is a demo app.")

def create_db(table: str = typer.Option(..., prompt="What is the name of the table?",
    """Pretend to make a database"""
    console.print(f"Creating table in database {table}", style="green")

def delete_db(table: str = typer.Option(..., prompt="What is the name of the table?",
    """Pretend to delete a database"""
    sure = typer.confirm("Are you really really really sure?")
    if sure:
        console.print(f"Deleting table in database {table}", style="red")
        console.print(f"Back to safety!", style="green")

if __name__ == "__main__":

You should now notice a prompt pop up when using these commands.

python create-db
python delete-db

Note that even if you pass in a table name, the latter command will still check if you're sure.

python delete-db --table foobar

Pretty Output

If you're interested in learning on how to make terminal output richer, definately check out the rich library. We've got a course on it for rich.