Memo also has helpers that make it easier for you to add information to a simulation run.
You can add a time_taken
decorator to measure how long the simulation took to run.
import numpy as np
from memo import memlist, grid, Runner, time_taken
data = []
def birthday_experiment(class_size, n_sim=1000):
"""Simulates the birthday paradox. Vectorized = Fast!"""
sims = np.random.randint(1, 365 + 1, (n_sim, class_size))
sort_sims = np.sort(sims, axis=1)
n_uniq = (sort_sims[:, 1:] != sort_sims[:, :-1]).sum(axis = 1) + 1
return {"est_prob": np.mean(n_uniq != class_size), "number": 42}
settings = grid(
class_size=range(2, 100),
n_sim=[1_000, 10_000, 100_000]
Runner(backend="threading", n_jobs=4).run(birthday_experiment, settings)
From here you typically move on to analysing the simulation results. We might recommend trying out the hiplot library in this scenario.
import hiplot as hip
If you're interested to learn more, know that we have a full course on hiplot on calmcode.