Calmcode - parse: introduction

Learn about the Parse python library.

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Format strings in python are incredibly useful. The old-school way of writing them involved the .format() method that is available on strings.

txt = "{user}/{repo}/"

print(txt.format(user="koaning", repo="scikit-lego"))

A more modern take on this is to use f-strings. This should work on python 3.6 and up.

user = "koaning"
repo = "scikit-lego"


This is a great method to turn variables into a string. But it does beg the question. How do we turn a string into variables now?

txt = ""

We could write a regex to parse the information we'd like from this string. But that might be a heavy-weight tool. Instead, we might be better off using parse.

In this series of videos we'll highlight the main features from this library.