Calmcode - ssh: keys


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If we don't want to use passwords we can set up "keys" that can authenicate us. This is a preferable way of going about SSH since it automates some of the error-prone parts of making the connection.

You'll first need to create a public and a private file. All of this is handled by the following command in the terminal:


You'll be prompted to create a filepath. We used /Users/vincent/.ssh/id_demo_purposes but you're free to pick another name. The main thing that's important is that you point to a path that is in your home .ssh folder. After the command is done you should have generated two files, which can be varified via ls.

ls id_demo*

This command should show a id_demo_purposes (private) file and a (public) file.


Now that you've gotten your keys set up locally, it's time to move it to the other server. The command you'll want for this uses the following convention;

ssh-copy-id -i <path-to-private-file> <username>@<ip-adr>

In our case, this evaluated to;

ssh-copy-id -i /Users/vincent/.ssh/id_demo_purposes [email protected]

You'll need to give your password one more time, but after that ... you're all set!


You should now be able to connect via;

ssh -i /Users/vincent/.ssh/id_demo_purposes [email protected]

No password needed.